Richard Du Cann

Richard Dillon Lott Du Cann was born in London on 27 January 1929 as the son of a barrister.

He was called to the Bar in 1953, and is probably most famous for writing a book about advocacy called the Art of the Advocate.

His industry earned him a busy practice. Clarity of thought and the ability at an early stage led him to taking Silk in 1975.

As an advocate he was fraknly the best of the best. He was skilled in the art of logic and persuasion. He worked hard, attracted many famous cases including that of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, the Calvi Inquest and the Blue Arrow fraud case.

Du Cann was very well respected by his profession, and served as Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association and Chairman of the Bar at various times. He responded to many royal commissions as well so long as they affected the bar. He was known also to give time to colleagues who needed his opinion on questions of law and ethics.

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